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Our History

The Center for Global Health (CGH) is an interdisciplinary program dedicated to improving health and well-being through education, research and training, and service in partnership with communities in the United States and around the world. Because so many academic disciplines are needed to address the challenges of global health, CGH leverages the unique institutional strength of the University of Chicago to bring together faculty and students from different schools and programs on campus.

The University of Chicago Center for Global Health provides a unifying framework for students, staff, and faculty across the University with an interest in global health. CGH reinforces the University of Chicago's strengths in fields such as the humanities, life sciences, social sciences, medicine, public policy, and others. This interdisciplinary focus encourages innovative approaches to the numerous health challenges faced by residents of the South Side of Chicago and by people across the world alike.

The Center for Global Health was launched as the Global Health Initiative (GHI) in September 2009 and provides a unifying framework for students, staff, and faculty across the university with an interest in global health. Harnessing the expertise of scholars across campus, CGH takes advantage of the University of Chicago’s strengths in fields ranging from economics, computation, public policy, medicine, and more. This multidisciplinary focus encourages innovative approaches to the numerous health challenges faced by people all over the world. The global health scholarship of the university’s faculty and students has the potential to save lives and influence health practices in our country and around the world.